
All That Glitters

Vegas can be for everyone… that’s the main purpose of this blog. To help people have a great experience when they visit Las Vegas and to help those with negative ideas be rehabilitated. That being said, an important travel tip when going to Vegas with friends is to know their expectations, but more importantly their financial abilities. What I’m saying… is I’m not sharing a room with another couple and I am not eating at a fast food joint (for any meal). Starbucks is as low as I go for eateries and that’s because caffeine is life and coffee isn’t free in Vegas.

We have 2 primary sets of Vegas friends: Mr. & Mrs. Pointbreak_Dave and the Suitors (the Queen of Hearts and DegenJ). Both of these couples appreciate the finer things of Vegas (and life for that matter); they never have to be pressured into buying the extra side or dessert or third cocktail. They expect exceptional service and stunning pools and if a room with a view is an option… well we are taking it. When it comes to dice, black jack, poker and sports betting everyone is all in and only betting the over. The drink of choice and level of fancy distinguish these friends from each other. The Suitors appreciate fine wine and classy cocktails in high-end bars with a view. If a minimum tab is required, so be it if the drinks are good.

Located on the 60th floor of Circa is the Legacy Club; THE place for rooftop cocktails. Patrons can sit inside for a cozy, intimate atmosphere or for a higher tab enjoy a rooftop seat around a fire pit with a stunning view of downtown Vegas. First, reservations are an absolute must! Second, indoor tables have $100 minimum tabs and outside tables carry a $300 minimum tab. Cocktails are $20 and up. Regardless of the number of drinks you order, plan to pay the minimum. Third, there is an enforced dress code. No shorts, tennis shoes, torn clothes, athletic wear, flip flops etc… Yes, they check before they let you up the elevator. A jacket isn’t required, but this is a classy establishment and they expect that from the guests. Fourth, there is no food served…eat before you go.

The drinks…wow are the drinks spectacular! Regardless of your taste, the menu has something for everyone. Since we are a party of 4 and unsure of the value of the bar, we opted for indoor seating. Yes, people baulk at paying $20 and up for a cocktail, but in Vegas you taste (and feel) every single sip. The value is there. For me the standout drink is the “All that Glitters”. Like every drink it is beautiful and like the theme of the Legacy Club it is adorned with flecks of gold dust throughout the gold liquid. It is exquisite.  Vegas SJ really wanted to come out and play, but in an establishment as classy as this (and the heel height) she was suppressed by a second beverage that I regret to say… I can’t remember it’s name. I think I also finished Mr. SJ’s drink as well, but its possible I’m making that part up.

This was the highlight of this particular Vegas trip. Sitting with great friends with deliciously fancy cocktails with a view of the neon lights of downtown. After, taking a quick peak outside it was decided that we will come back and splurge for the $300 outdoor table even if its just the 4 of us. The Suitors are fancy cocktail friends who appreciate the notes found in wine and the importance of aging whiskey. Seeing them lit by the Vegas lights, its hard to believe that they were once Vegas skeptics.

Yes, Vegas drinks can be expensive, but they are of the highest quality and the presentation of each drink is photo worthy. The “All that Glitters” along with the gold bars found as decoration in the Legacy Club define all that Vegas once was and will always be. The only thing that can outshine the glitter of my drink are the shimmering signs that light up my eyes as I look at a perfect Vegas night from a rooftop bar… will you #chaseme until the dimming of the lights?

Legacy Club Rooftop Bar @ Circa

I'm a Dallas transfer from the Gulf Coast who loves fine cuisine, French bulldogs, the beach and all things Las Vegas. New experiences locally and abroad are my desires while inspiring people to live life to the fullest is my passion.