

Writing has always been a passion of mine; but what to write… that’s the hard part. What you’re reading began on a whim in 2011 that has developed into something incredible.  Welcome to “Chasing Losses”, my blog site to living life through Las Vegas travel; my personal passion. I never imagined that I would fall in love with a city like Las Vegas, but I guess I have always found the bad ones attractive… My intention is to show that Vegas can be for anyone (not just the gambler or sinner); it just takes a bit of self-control and ‘Vegas-know-how’ to create a memorable trip. 

This site is for all enthusiasts, but it’s tailored to the Vegas newbie.  Hopefully, I will inspire someone to take a gamble and visit Vegas for the first time and maybe…just maybe…you’ll see why I love it as must as I do. From time to time I will share stories about some of my favorite places, offer tips, or even review some of the latest Vegas happenings.   All of this is with the hope that you will be inspired to take chances, bet big, and hit the ultimate jackpot with stories of your own (Of course, real jackpots don’t hurt!)

Why Chasing Losses?  Because 2020 will likely go down for many people as a year of loss. In fact, it will be hard to find someone who didn’t lose someone or something. For me I lost a piece of myself that I didn’t know I would miss until it was gone; and then I lost my dad, a cousin, and several friends who left this world too soon. I realized that life is incredibly short and waiting for the “perfect time” to do something may never happen (or it passes without you seeing it). It’s easy to let losses keep you from moving forward with life because you are always waiting for the next round of bad luck. Loss can create a fear of taking chances because the “what if…” of life can by crippling. It’s easier to do nothing. That’s not me.  This blog is about finding hope in the heartache, the strength to be different, and to turn my nose up at all the people who say, “you can’t seriously be going to Vegas again”.  I choose to roll the dice because I don’t want to miss out on the experience. I’m chasing losses so that I can live for the next hand that life deals me. Lady Luck may ride shotgun, but I’m driving this car.

My name is SJ and I invite you to chase with me.  I challenge you to experience a little bit of the joy I’ve found in this crazy city.   Are you ready to roll the dice?  Isn’t it time to put your chips into the pot?  If you’re ready…if you’re willing… #chaseme

Chase me on Twitter and Instagram @chasinlosses

As ever,


I'm a Dallas transfer from the Gulf Coast who loves fine cuisine, French bulldogs, the beach and all things Las Vegas. New experiences locally and abroad are my desires while inspiring people to live life to the fullest is my passion.