
I Am Not Running!

Stubborn (adj): having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so

Learning things the hard way has become somewhat of a normative for my life.  I like to think of myself as strong-willed, unfortunately everyone else I know would simply call me stubborn.  Once my mind is set on something, my pride will not allow me to change course.  But that’s ok… I know myself and understand the consequences of my pig-headedness (experience is by far the GREATEST teacher). Few people can match my strong will until I met “Lucky”, my future BFF, sister of another mister…in tardy hall. Lucky would be my ride-or-die for over 8 years of my professional life as we became the closest of work place confidants. 

The second trip to Vegas happened on mine and Lucky’s 5 year Friend-iversary, so why not explore Vegas together? Fun fact: I got to be a part of some of Lucky’s “firsts”. Traveling to Vegas would be her first time on a plane (and the memory of her yelling “sh*t” in the Atlanta airport tram as she careened backwards into a crowd of people because she underestimated its powerful take off still makes me giggle). The year before, I helped her pick out her first pair of high heels and introduced her to the gloriousness of shoes (especially sexy heels) by Jessica Simpson. It was settled, we would spend our first vacation together over Thanksgiving in Sin City.

We had the usual talk I give everyone about Vegas packing.   My number one tip is to bring comfortable shoes (and if you wear heels, bring flats to walk to the destination, and then change into the heels). On this trip we are staying at The Paris, and our first dinner is at Buddy V’s Ristorante at the Venetian. Still not learning my lesson from the first trip, I told Lucky it was a bit of a walk but it shouldn’t be a problem because just down the strip was the Venetian and…I could see it.  With her tiny clutch in hand, Lucky looks amazing in her LBD and sexy black high heels. To be fair I am also wearing pretty heels but I have been rocking heels of all heights since I was about 8 years old… AND these are heels that I know I can go the distance.

“Hey Lucky, are you sure you want to wear your shoes?” I ask. “Yes I will be fine,” she declares (firmly).

The Actual Shoes

We had reservations and had allotted plenty of walking time to get to Buddy V’s, but for some reason Mr. SJ was death marching at a rapid pace the entire way to the Venetian. Zigging and zagging between other tourists, he had Lucky and I #chasing him the entire way. As I said before, there are few straight paths anywhere in Vegas, so this was a long walk that included some stairs and several circles in the Venetian as we looked for the restaurant. But, we make our reservation with 20 minutes to spare (that’s how fast he was walking). The truth is Mr. SJ was on the edge of hangry and a bit under the weather… so he was doing his best to lead the way…he just isn’t used to walking in heels.  That’s when I heard it.


Lucky is stomping and stumbling behind us in her heels.

As the trip progresses her shoe habits improve. Wearing practical little boots during the day and carrying her shoes in her purse to the dinner make her feet happy. On the last night (staying at The Trump to add one more night) we opt for a bus ticket to take us to The Strat for our Thanksgiving meal at The Top of the World. I’m so proud of Lucky.  She’s finally figured out how to manage maneuvering this crazy city!  Until…

Out she comes, in red 4 inch Jessica Simpsons. Noticing our skeptical glances (I’m in tall, flat boots because it’s cold) she says “It’s fine since we are not walking.” Well then… After dinner, we run into a problem. Because it’s Thanksgiving (and its late), the buses are running on a holiday schedule.  Holiday schedule means fewer buses, fewer stops, fewer opportunities to ride and considerably longer wait times!   We are on a bus, but then we (my husband and I) get off to allow for a wheelchair to fit (it got really heated with fellow riders over space). So, Lucky had no choice but to #chase us off the bus. 

It gets ugly fast, as she begins to melt over the verrrrry long walk back to The Trump. “Take off your shoes, and go barefooted,” I recommend “NO! It is Vegas I will not risk glass” she hurls as she drags her sore feet down the side walk. (Not only am I stubborn, I’m also cheap. At this point in our Vegas exploits I had decided to forgo using cabs because I didn’t want to spend the money. I’ve since changed my mind on this strategy.)

Lucky is a good 10 or so steps behind us fuming about having to get off the bus, and her frustration is apparent. As we cross traffic to the Encore, she literally is still in the street as the walk signs change. Without a word she goes to the shuttle station to head back to the hotel.  And that was the last we saw of her that night.

I know she was mad about how that night ended, but our friendship is far deeper than the height of those red heels. The trip was memorable for so many reasons, but my husband and I still drop that famous line “I am NOT running” whenever someone walks too fast. The chasing tip: If you want to #chaseme always wear comfortable shoes, or at least carry them in your purse.  Alternatively… just budget for a cab or rideshare to save the feet!

I'm a Dallas transfer from the Gulf Coast who loves fine cuisine, French bulldogs, the beach and all things Las Vegas. New experiences locally and abroad are my desires while inspiring people to live life to the fullest is my passion.

One Comment

  • Erica Holloway

    LOL!!! That’s a good line to keep in the back pocket!! I can imagine the WHOLE thing!! Glad you’re still friends!