
Sugar (Factory) Shots

Ok, so I have been creating a lot of itineraries for first time Vegas-ers , and let me say…I am soooo envious of everyone who is hitting up Sin City while I chill in Dallas. But, rest assured… my time is coming.

Vegas offers every type of food one could imagine, and I personally like to try a little bit of everything. I am pretty open to all (well, most) cuisines. But, I have found that many people find the Mexican and Asian (and even the Italian) cuisine a bit overwhelming or they feel certain it will be no better than their city’s local  hot spot (or fast food joint); so, they skip it. Or worse, people try these very authentic cuisines and walk away disappointed as their American taste buds were expecting Olive Garden at Costa di Mare or Pei Wei at Julian Serrano’s.

I have had more people ask for “American” eatery suggestions, but keep it in budget (i.e. no steaks that cost more than $35).  And the place that consistently provides great experiences and feedback from my followers is Sugar Factory at Fashion Show Mall on the north end of the Strip. Why? It appeals to those with kid pallets, it offers familiar dishes that are well priced, and everything is perfect for that Instagram post. Did I mention they are FAMOUS for the smoking goblets of mixed drinks that boast near double digit shots? The food is Vegas cheap, but these smoking beverages will run you about $40 (and that’s if you pass on the goblet as souvenir…which I didn’t).

Nestled between two vases on a farmhouse shelf in the kitchen of my house, sits a signature Sugar Factory goblet.  It’s a throwback reminding me of my second Vegas visit and to offer up a great story to any guest that notices (and they ALWAYS notice). So…humor me for a moment and #Chaseme back to Thanksgiving 2012 when the Sugar Factory was at the Paris and Chasing Losses was still a very reserved gal trying to figure out how to navigate this crazy city.

After a night of wondering the Strip with Mr. SJ and my best friend Fancy (who wore proper shoes this night) we decided to hit up the trendy Sugar Factory. Mr. SJ had a rule about alcohol during this phase of life; he worked with students and always wanted to be the best example to them. One of the ways he wanted to do that was by not allowing his kids to ever see him with alcohol. He would have 1 drink and only when he was out of town and on vacation. The tough thing was that this rule also applied to me.

Finishing The Beatles Love show at Treasure Island, we headed back to our hotel at the Paris. The Sugar Factory sat just off the strip in what is now currently Hexx Kitchen and Bar.  We walked in, grabbed a table and began to peruse the menu which is literally pages on pages of specialty cocktails featuring all things sweet. Sugar Factory is famous for lollipops, chocolate martinis and smoking goblets with the best gummies and candy. In fact, we didn’t even know it served food!  After going back and forth between a root beer martini and goblet, I choose the White Gummy Goblet: a fruity cocktail made with Peach Schnapps, Barcardi Red and Bacardi Razz and gummy worms. Fancy ordered the Blue Gummy Goblet featuring gummy sharks swimming in an ocean of Blueberry Schnapps, Stoli Blueberry Vodka and Bacardi Blue Razz. By the way both are still on the menu.

The drinks come out and our waitress says, “Get your phones ready because you’re gonna want to take a video.” She sits the drinks down and adds the dry ice to goblets and an eruption of smoke begins to billow out of the cups. Laughing at our amazement she tells me “This was the better buy because the other drink you were looking at only had 4 shots of alcohol this one has 9…” and she walks away. Remember I said I only get 1 drink and only when we are out of town? Well, I made my one drink count… Of course there was no way that I was going to finish this drink, so the waitress sent me up to my room with a to go cup and a ready packed souvenir goblet to remember (or try to) this night. The out the door cost? A whopping $85 for drink, goblet, and tip… but those alcohol swollen worms were worth it the next morning. While the drink was allowable, Mr. SJ (prude) didn’t let me take any pictures… so the goblet is the only memory.

Since November 2019 Mr. SJ and I have now become “the people” to see and experience Vegas with (Mr. SJ has come a long way). There have been no less than 5 different trips where we’ve either met or taken another someone else on one of our escapades (and dozens more claiming they want to come).  Once we met some friends who had visited Vegas once before and were not impressed, but totally willing to give it another go with us. @SharalikeSarah (and hubs) wanted that Instagram photo and to visit the place that inspired this trip together. Being older and wiser than our first visit, we chose to share the Tongue Twister (designed by Pit Bull). This peachy delight features Voli Vodka, peach and mango puree, citrus club soda and peach penguins and peach gummy slices. It was so pre-pandemic because all 4 of us shared this massive drink under the notion that alcohol kills everything.  For the Gram, we also shared an American classic (with a touch of color) in Rainbow Sliders (and yes the duck is yours to keep).

The sliders were the cutest and most photogenic food to experience, but WARNING the color you eat will show up in your digestion process later (so yeah that’s normal). If you’re looking for more than an Instagram worthy picture, the more affordable and easier item to bring home in your carryon is the Sugar Factory rubber ducky as it makes a perfect take home souvenir. It took a second trip and just under 48 hours, but @sharalikesarah and the hubs were now Vega-lievers.

 The Sugar Factory offers a fun, young, colorful and familiar eating experience. The drinks are out of this world fancy AF and masks the basicness of the food. Yes, the food is adorable and familiar (burgers and chicken fingers) but that’s it; basic American kid food (but super cutesy). Chasing Tip: Share this drink amongst friends and use it to kick off the trip (or end a night). If you are a picky eater, and want a cheapish meal (not alcohol) then you won’t be disappointed. If you are ready for a sugar high and chance to #chase a rainbow then come #chaseme in and stumble out of The Sugar Factory.

I'm a Dallas transfer from the Gulf Coast who loves fine cuisine, French bulldogs, the beach and all things Las Vegas. New experiences locally and abroad are my desires while inspiring people to live life to the fullest is my passion.