Dining,  Entertainment


Disclaimer: The next few posts are going to have a running a theme, and despite that theme, I assure you I don’t have a drinking problem. I just love to drink when I’m in Vegas because lately the drinks have been my favorite and most memorable (or is it forgettable) experience. Plus, I have some friends that are really fun to drink with, and I think Vegas vacation drinking makes the perfect cocktail. Looking at me, you might think I’m a light weight, but my tolerance is surprisingly high.  And if you ask me, my sobriety actually improves after I get past that initial tipsy feeling… and “Vegas SJ” shows up to the party.

The problem with Vegas SJ is that she is really stubborn when she’s in that “between” state…it’s in these moments that she has given her friends a few famous phrases. Phrases like [places hand on hip] “I know where the bathroom is” [looks left then right before stomping away].  And [links arms with Mrs. Pointbreak_Dave] and says “ Mrs. Pointbreak_Dave is my friend” after sliding on rocks while throwing the guys the meanest mug I could muster at Batista’s Hole in the Wall (it was the sandals’ fault). And most recently [leans over table] and says “friends, tell me, what’s your deepest darkest secret…”. All are lines that are regularly quoted by those who get to hang out with “Vegas SJ”…

With that in mind, I give you the tale of the AMF.

It’s Saturday morning and I’m catching some rays at Circa’s Stadium Swim. Although it’s late November the day is a balmy 75 and, in the sun, even hotter. The great thing about Stadium Swim is you can bet on your phone, lay in the pool, watch your game, and are only a few steps away from a huge bar. Sweaty and thirsty I start the morning off with something coconut and frozen. Stadium Swim is cool, but sitting in a lounge chair and looking up isn’t all that comfortable. The morning sun gives a glare behind the screen that can make early games a bit more difficult to watch. All of the pools are heated which is great for chilly days but on hot days the water isn’t refreshing and offers no cooling effect. (Mr. SJ completely disagrees with this statement but he’s not writing this post) If you plan on visiting Stadium Swim (and you should) you want to keep these things in mind before you pay the cover charge to enter the pool if you aren’t a Circa guest.

90 minutes later, the crick in my neck and the sunscreen in my eyes send me inside, for hydration. Prior to this trip I was gifted a Vegas cocktails recipe book and discovered the most amazing named drink… the AMF (or Adios Mother F–). I have secretly been scouting Fremont for this drink, and have spied it on Circa’s giant Fremont bar in its frozen form. Before I go further let me be clear that despite visiting Vegas on the regular I have never partaken of a giant, frozen alcoholic drink served in the infamous plastic souvenir cup. I have always laughed an made fun of those first time Vegas visitors who are stumbling around carrying these insanely tacky plastic guitar, bong, shaped cups. Most are carrying more than 1 cup and they themselves are being assisted by someone else. That is not my scene.  

So, what is the AMF and why the name? This drink has an obscene name because of the obscene amount of alcohol found in it. The AMF is one of the strongest concocted cocktails (say that 5 times fast) to ever be concocted. If the name doesn’t get your attention the color will as it is a dreamy sky blue. The color comes from Blue Curacao, but it brings all its friends (vodka, rum, tequila, gin and some lemon lime soda) to the party. Yes, this sounds like a gut-busting, headache inducing beautiful poison, and it probably is if consumed to fast. Believe it or not this is actually considered a great sipping drink. In short, it’s like a Long Island Iced Tea…but Vegasy!

I’m 1 large frozen pool drink in, and I have my massive plastic souvenir cup of AMF in hand, I’m ready to watch the dice! Fair warning, the first sip is stout, but the citrus notes blend well together and create a refreshing but strong drink. So strong that I can tell Vegas SJ is on the cusp of making an early appearance and I just hit the Plaza (which isn’t a long walk). Knowing it isn’t even noon (and I haven’t eaten anything) I sip my AMF for the next few hours and hide my giggles and suppress the urge to yell random numbers at the craps table.

Whether it be a fancy glass or plastic cup, all that matters is what’s in it. And for Vegas SJ… I think all I can do is end this blog with adios moth—my friends. Are you ready to #chaseme with my favorite drinks in Vegas?

I'm a Dallas transfer from the Gulf Coast who loves fine cuisine, French bulldogs, the beach and all things Las Vegas. New experiences locally and abroad are my desires while inspiring people to live life to the fullest is my passion.