
The Best Dessert Ever: An Origin Story from Scotland

Can you believe the price of soda in other countries? And it’s not even bottomless! That’s right it’s per glass (and not a US oversize glass). This is just ONE of the things that I learned during my first international trip to the Isle of Skye in Scotland. It is in Scotland where I have my first taste of the BEST dessert I have ever tasted: Sticky Toffee Pudding. The dessert that sets the bar for all other desserts would elude me for 7 years before I make its acquaintance in Las Vegas.

In 2005, I had the opportunity to visit the Isle of Skye in the Highlands of Scotland for a college mission trip. The purpose of the trip was to prayer walk the country side in preparation of a full time missionary for the area. At the time, the churches on Skye were experiencing a major decline in attendance (it has since leveled) and were dying with their elderly members. The hope was for someone to feel called to learn Gaelic, so that interaction would be possible through the people’s heart language. Our job was to pray over the area, people and person God wanted for the position. Fun church fact, in Scotland women are supposed to cover their heads (where a hat) while in church. I brought exactly one hat… it was cold, snowy March, so I was prepared with my mad bombers hat (and yes I wore it in church).

Since this was a group mission trip the meal plan was on a budget. For breakfast we had cold cereal and English tea for our caffeine fix. Lunch was picnic style with sandwiches, fruit, chips and a really sweet European version of Hi-C. On our longest bus drive day, I chose a strawberry juice for lunch. Shortly after, in the middle of nowhere, with panic in my eyes and legs crossed tight, I tell the bus “I’m sorry but my bladder needs a bathroom NOW.” As the bus hits every pot hole, my situation worsens. Despite the cold I start to sweat and my legs tremble. The entire bus is holding its breath as I hang in the doorway ready to make my exit. I prepare myself for embarrassment when the driver suddenly whips into a gas station and I barrel down the steps rejoicing for the coming release.  The diuretic juice was only matched by the chips. No cheese or plain flavors… just salt and vinegar, prawn, cheese and onion, and the worst… chicken (it smelled like cat food).

After spending the day walking, dinner is lush. The city of Portree, and capital of Skye, offered the best selection of eateries, with one being a local pub called McNab’s. Our dinner budget was 20 pounds a person. As a treat, many of companions chose dinner to quench their sugar induced craving of Coke products. Coke was PRICEY. You didn’t even get an entire can just an iceless 8-10 oz glass of Coke that was not bottomless refills. My cheapness is not a new habit, so of course I opt for the free water. This is genius, as I am able to order dessert. I ask the waitress for something unique to the area and she says 3 life changing words: Sticky Toffee Pudding (with custard). Being American, “custard” immediately makes me think of my Pawpaw’s custard pie… the solid, eggy tasting substance flavored subtly with peanut butter or chocolate makes my tongue curl. But I take a chance…

And I hear angels sing as I sink my teeth into a bit of heaven. The sweet, rich sponge cake is served hot and smothered in hot caramel toffee and cold, creamy custard.  I learn that European custard is not my Pawpaw’s custard. It gives the sensation of melted ice cream, not scrambled eggs. The cake gets its flavor from dates and brown sugar causing an almost chocolate, coffee taste. I’m hooked…for the rest of the trip, I ordered sticky toffee pudding at every restaurant knowing full well I may never have it again.

For years, I sought a substitute to fill the spot of this British dessert, but alas I found nothing. Until Vegas 2012 happened: We walked into Gordon Ramsay’s Pub in Caesar’s Palace and what do my eyes see?  Sticky Toffee Pudding. My heart literally leaps because not only is this THE dessert, but I get to share it with Mr.SJ who has listened to me RAVE about it for years. When dessert comes, I am not disappointed in the presentation of the cake or caramel sauce, and the taste? Just as good as I remembered. But this version is served with a double churned vanilla ice cream meaning the elusive runny custard remained just out of reach.

Unfortunately, I learned that this runny custard is very unique to Europe and not something sold or shipped to the States. I have asked every Gordon Ramsay venue to please consider using the runny custard, but at this point my plea remains unheard. I am still #chasing that rare gem of custard and eating my way through all renditions of sticky toffee pudding.  The chasing tip… always skip the soda for the option of dessert, or at least budget accordingly.  #Chaseme to the desserts and through all the sticky toffee pudding.


Get ready to #chaseme! I’m Vegas bound in 2 weeks and totally hitting up Gordon Ramsay’s sticky toffee pudding ice cream sandwich at GR Burger in Planet Hollywood. #Chasinglosses with me, will be the hosts of the podcast Swole Society along with a Vegas newbie! Be sure to follow me on Instagram for updates @chasinlosses.

I'm a Dallas transfer from the Gulf Coast who loves fine cuisine, French bulldogs, the beach and all things Las Vegas. New experiences locally and abroad are my desires while inspiring people to live life to the fullest is my passion.